Hey, I'm Michael Ishikawa.

I’m an Integrative Software Designer, Brand Copywriter & Web Designer from Honolulu, Hawaii - with an affinity for software design and a strong interest in global universal data.

I provide brand copywriting and web design services to individuals and small / privately owned businesses, here on Oahu and abroad!

It's wonderful to have you here :)

Image courtesy of Easlo. I do not claim to own this image.

🌸 Are you a Hawaii DOE Teacher / Educator?

Fill out my survey for a new curriculum-based software!




I'm on Linktree!

Want to hear about my projects as they're released?


What I'm About 👨‍💻

I’m an integrative software designer, content writer, and web designer from Honolulu, HI.

My favorite thing about designing software is that it gives you the freedom to create whatever you want. I love being able to imagine new interfaces and ways of interacting with data, as well as being able to create new models for structuring that data.

Through my own projects, I’m helping to pioneer the integration of relation-based meta software and oo databases with the latest advancements in spatial computing, as a cumulative technology that I believe will help to revolutionize the operating system and graphical user interface, and ultimately transform how we store, visualize, and interact with data — into a radical, new medium for human thought.

I also have a strong interest in the linguistic fluency of basic, user-based AI to interact with and model said data, paired with the virtualization of the latest AR and VR technology (like Vision Pro and VisionOS) - to provide an immersive & aware, spatially-interactive, entirely NEW type of digital Operating Environment.

Want to hear about my projects as they're released? Please join my mailing list.

My Passion 🌙

I’m passionate about helping students to be the best they can be, in school and in life.

  • One of the ways I feel I can contribute to that goal is through technology — specifically, software designed to enable students to organize & consolidate every aspect of their lives in the most efficient way possible.

  • The other is through education and new model curricula — specifically, curriculum designed to develop a student's knowledge & abilities of how to organize & consolidate those aspects of their lives (yes, hopefully utilizing said software).

Why I created this blog 📖

I created this blog to meet like-minded folk who share similar interests, and to share what I’m passionate about with the world.

If any of my projects spark interest for you, feel free to reach out. I’d love to hear from you, and find out about what you're working on as well!

  • (1) The software I’m building (SB) gives users both the power and the freedom to structure the internal framework of their data (i.e. - operating system) and the external layout of their interface (i.e. - graphical user interface), really however they want, and without needing to know how to write a single line of code.
  • (2) The Op-Ed I'm writing is all about said software - how it works, why it's needed, and what it'll take to bring it to market. (SB sits in a perfect niche - at the crossroads of products that are both universal in scale and personal (& personalizable) to every individual and team - and I believe it'll take the market by storm once it's finished).

Click here, if you'd like to help build SB:

  • (3) Music for Friends is a compilation of piano music I've recorded for friends & family throughout the years. It's a dedication to those who've helped me along the way.

Scroll to continue 👇

Things I enjoy talking about

Business & Sustainable Development

What is sustainability?

It’s the creativity & innovative power of people — who come together to produce something far greater than the sum of their combined efforts alone — that make the ideology of business so fundamental to the development of a healthy global future:

People. Building products. For other people.

(Not for profit or stock).

That’s sustainability.

Technology & UI / UX Design

Technology is key to a brighter future.

A brighter future is one that is better than today. There are many ways to that goal, but I believe a brighter future consists of a reality where technology-users are free to craft their own devices' interfaces & software in a way that enables us to complete tasks and tackle challenges in the most efficient way possible — one may argue that this way is the way we want to perceive or look at data (or i.e. - how our minds work).

Good software & user interface design — therefore — must be flexible, and should help us to interact with information the way we want to.

Check out my recent projects

Education & Curriculum Design

Our children are the future.

The structural, curriculum-based groundwork we leave behind for our children to build & teach upon is a critical component to nurture, in order to bring about a better and brighter future for education, our students, and teachers of the world.

Creativity & innovation are a large part of meeting the future today.


My favorite thing about writing is that it gives you the ability to organize how you think. As one of the earliest mediums of human thought, writing .

For me, writing typically begins as either simple notes on paper or a ginormous mind map of interconnected thoughts — both usually end up finding the other, as two different expressions of the same goal.


I think music, like anything, can be a window into the soul. It depends on your ear and what you’re listening for — the things you perceive and how you choose to perceive them — as well as the things you feel and choose to express. Undeniably, regardless — music is beautiful.

I play the piano for fun, but I love operatic pop stuff like this →

Current Projects

Projects I’m currently working on. Feel free to check them out and let me know if you share similar interests!

Second Brain

A new type of Operating Environment with the potential to revolutionize the Operating System (OS) and GUI as we know them today.

Music for Friends

A montage of piano music recorded for family & friends throughout the years.

The world's first RB Operating Environment

An Op-Ed for a new type of Operating Environment (SB).

Continue scrolling 👇

Column 1

Column 1

Column 2

“We have an opportunity to build a revolutionary machine. And in your life, you only get to do so many things. And right now, we’ve chosen to do this, so let’s make it great.” - Steve Jobs


Build anything, sell anything From consultation to online courses and templates

Notion Templates

Guides and Online Courses

Social Media Agency

✓ E-Book

✓ Newsletter

✓ Coaching

✓ Products & Software

and more...

135K Websites Created

2K+ Link in bios shared

800+ Products sold


A Blog by Michael Ishikawa

Things I’ve written over the years. Things I’m writing now. More so things I’m writing now

> Software

> Technology

> Business

> Writing

> Love

> Self Awareness

> Education

🧠 .

Second Brain

Bringing you the future of the OS

"The OS for the rest of us"


Get in touch w/ me

Hi there! If you would like to contact me, please send a message to any of the following, or you can fill out the contact form below. Have a great evening! 🌙

- Michael

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🌐 I built this website in 20 min, using Typedream!

Sign up for Typedream to create your own website, using the link below.

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  • Easy-to-Use Editor
  • Super Simple Interface
  • Customize Buttons with your own text & links
  • Upload your own images / videos
  • Select any background color screen, or choose your own image
  • Restructure the page as desired

Note: As a part of Typedream's affiliate program, I'll receive a small portion of the commission when you sign up.

Feel free to check out some of my recent work

Thanks for stopping by!


Want to hear about my projects as they're released? Please join my mailing list.

Peace ☮️

If you know, you know.

Working on something cool. HMU !